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Showing posts from September, 2008

Classiest Guy In The NFL

By now, all of the sports world knows that Lane Kiffin was fired today. Kiffin has been on the hot seat since the beginning of 2008, when Lane wanted to find a replacement for Rob Ryan, who must be Al Davis' illegitimate son the way he thinks the world revolves around him, at DC. So a team executive told Kiffin last night that he was going to be canned and that Mr. Decomposition would be calling him in the morning. Not only does someone other than Davis tell him he is going to be fired, Davis does it over a phone call. Then to top it all off they are trying to not pay him the remaining salary left on his contract. Because Lane was not afraid to speak his mind, the Raiders will probably win that battle, claiming that the coach was insubordinate, and merited the firing. How long before the old decrepit bastard realizes that he should have sent Ryan out the door with him. Probably never. Al Davis will Matt Millenize him. Al Davis should fire himself. He as already ran the tea

The Katharine Jefferts Schori Song

There's this woman ... I can't stop thinking about her. The kooky things she does just drive me crazy! I know I must seem a little obsessed and all. In fact, I just made a video about her: One of the things that makes these projects fun for me it to set up constraints for myself within which I agree to work. In this case, I set up as an Objective Function (which I tried to maximize) the number of words I was able to keep from the original song (Motorcycle Irene, by Skip Spence of Moby Grape). Here are the lyrics I ended up using, with Skip's original words highlighted in purple. By my count, fully 40% of the lyrics are intact from the original song!

First Box in Years

So I get home today and to my delight there is a package waiting for me on my front patio. Being that this is the first box that i have opened in a couple of years. I have the box broke in about 5 minutes. At first I thought that this was a great looking set. A lot of that had to do with my initial excitement. After mulling it over for a while, I have to admit that the 2008 SPX Football is ok. While it is not an overall great design it is not bad. Breaking down what I "pulled" out of this box, I have to say that I may not have gotten the value of what I paid, however I am happy with a lot of the cards that came out of this box. I got a few lower end rookies and another low end rookie autograph. Most likely a bunch of guys who may never make it in the league, but I will hold on to them, because you just never know. I also got on redemption card for a SPx Football Super Script Amobi Okoye. I am actually hoping that UD can fill this redemption. I have been a fan of Okoye for the

Back in the Game

Just to give everyone a little background about me. I began collecting back in the late 80s/early 90s. I got out of it probably around 1992 (high school). In 1999 I was working with a guy ("Rob") and he had a bag full of binders one day. Out of curiosity, I had asked him what was in the bag. What I saw blew my mind. I had not followed collecting for 7 or 8 years. Before my eyes I saw hundreds of sports card type of which I had never seen before. Here before me were cards that were autographed, had peices of the game inserted in them, and a collection of the two. I was immediately hooked. . . During my early days of collecting, I realized then that Beckett was full of crap. When I first started, I collected mainly for trading for my favorite teams and players. One day someone finally used the phrase that we all have loved to hate so much. "Book Value". I wish I could remember the cards now, but I do know that the other guy had a nice RC that I had wanted and I had a

Episcopal Canon Law for Dummies!

Read a Free Preview here!

Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation

Sept. 25 : Pray. Fast. Witness. More information here ...

Subcutaneous Sinsick Blues

I finished the music for this video nearly a month ago, but scheduling the filming, inking the cards, and post-production hassles delayed the thing until now. And, wouldn't you know it? Things are falling apart so fast in this hellish landslide called The Episcopal church that much of the content is already outdated! No worries - another song will follow hard on its heels. The lyrics are posted here. The music only (mp3) can be found here.


Since all the other Instruments of Unity within Anglicanism have apparently failed, I humbly offer these new products which I've just invented. Liturgi-Kool TM ... first name in really cool liturgical garments. Finally, something upon which the entire Anglican Communion can agree!

Too Sad for Comment

The recent Attempted Deposition of Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan has me too sad to comment. I thank all the faithful Anglicans who have already said the right things about what this was and what it means going forward. So, from me, something happier! Here is a video of the world's largest Radio-Controlled aeroplane! B-29s are lovely, aren't they?

Hieronymus Bosch Sculptures!!!

This is the day I've been waiting for! I am so buying this!! There are 3 pages of Bosch sculptures to be had, here !

The Paisley Lampray

I painted this Electric Dreams Lampray body last December for the man many consider to be the Supreme Commander of all Thingie Slot Car collectors ... Switzerland's Edo Bertoglio . Here is Edo's write-up of the car , which now features a chassis built by Steve Kempson of England.

Behind Coloured Glass

This song is by my Tyler, Texas-based band, School of the Prophets , and was recorded all the way back in 1991. Does that make it Classic Rock? I never get tired of listening to Paul Dunn's wailing guitar on this track.