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Showing posts from October, 2009

The R. Crumb Genesis!

I don't have this volume in hand yet , but I plan to soon. Yes, that icon of Lowbrow Art, R. Crumb , has published an illustrated volume based on the Biblical book of Genesis. For a number of reasons, this is tremendously exciting to me. For those who don't recognize the name "R. Crumb", this might refresh your memories: I knew from a pretty early age that R. Crumb and I were kindred spirits in a lot of ways. His description, in word and drawing, regarding his career as a school kid, made me like him right away. In high school, the cartoonist was a nerd who could not get a date. As his autobiographical drawings of his high school days illustrate, he was permanently wounded by his adolescent peers' rejection. Later I learned that, like me, he had experimented with LSD , and was a fan of female bodybuilders. So, I have a lot of reasons to be interested in the work of R. Crumb. And I love the Bible, including the book of Genesis. So, the confluence of these two

'For those interested in bombs'

I couldn't embed this BBC video but here's a link to the Newsnight clip. Reporter Mark Urban visits the The IEDD Felix Centre at DM Kineton, Warwickshire. The clip is called 'Learning to be a bomb disposal operator'.

Lying and Evangelism

Before I "asked bodybuilding into my heart" I used to be a runner. I did a lot of 5K and 10K races, and even ran the Los Angeles Marathon one year. To get ready for the races, of course, I had to train a lot. This meant running on local streets. In those old days, despite having no gift for running, I used to push myself pretty hard, certainly to the point of discomfort, on every run. But I developed a habit of smiling as cars or pedestrians passed me. My idea, which seems crazy to me now, was that I didn't want to be a "bad witness" for running. I didn't want pain on my face to dissuade anyone from taking up this healthy activity. I believe that we Christians often do the same thing in our lives. When in the presence of unbelievers, for whose conversion to The Faith we pray, we often mask our pain, our disappointments. We want our unsaved friends to know that if they follow Jesus, they will be well taken care of, free of trouble and concern. Someti

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Design

Chinese dragon tattoos and meanings By Graeme Wheeler It is believed that a mythical creature developed appearance of the totem poles from many different tribes in China. It also merged the tribes, the different features of the dragon took the emergence of the figure. Chinese dragon is believed to have evolved over time to integrate the features of 9 animals to become a mythical creature it is today. These features include: • Horns of a deer. • Chairman of the sentences Eye • the devil • neck of a snake • Stomach of clams • the balance of fish, sea bream • from the claws of eagle • tiger slippers. Ears • cow The combination of these features together and you have the Chinese dragon, a very popular tattoo design through the ages until now and forever. It is common to many Middle Eastern images of the Chinese dragon to show the pearl or thunder the ball under the chin - and represents good luck and wisdom. Some pictures also show the Chinese dragon with wings of bats, although the Dragon

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Art

Dragon Tattoo Art - Finding the printable forms for Dragon Tattoos By Peter Naughty Dragon tattoo art was one of the most sought after designs, especially among lovers mutual male. Creature, in spite of the mythical non-existent has strong symbolism attached to it, not to mention the technical challenge when she signed on the body of one. Dragon tattoos can represent two different meanings depending on how you are portrayed. In the West, and that it is an object of evil and mean winged fire breathing and guards caves with gold and jewelry. Those who want to get the treasures that slaying the dragon first. In this case, dragon tattoos can mean fear, strength, courage and strength of will. Other symbolic of dragon tattoo art is good luck and wealth and wisdom and how they appear to be in the east. In China, the main code during the celebration of Chinese New Year is also believed that they achieve prosperity and good and good faith. The tattoo design can mean the intelligence, protection

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

The Chinese Dragon Tattoo - What does it mean? By Marie Wilson Dragon tattoos are the most popular mythical creature called for in tattoo shops. People find themselves intrigued with their power, grace and spirituality. History and traditions of the Dragon is steeped in almost every culture throughout the world. This makes them interesting to note that almost anyone regardless of whether they were or were not even consider a tattoo. Dragon temptation is especially true for the Chinese dragon tattoo. People simply can not tear their eyes away from it. While the Dragon is shown in the tales of blood are often harsh and hungry for the fire breathing monsters, and the Chinese dragon symbolizes just the opposite. Affectionately called descendants of the Chinese people the dragon because the dragon is a smart, kind and full of good intentions. She was said to bring rain much needed. This is the snake-like dragon and often do not have wings. They also have five claws. The Chinese Dragon in a

TEc Re-Imagines Itself

As you know, I rarely have anything good to say about The Episcopal church ... but this time I must applaud them. As this video signals, they have re-defined themselves. No longer are they a church. They are now an International Health and Wellness Advocacy Group . Congratulations on their new mission. It is a good fit for them. They were no good at trying to be a church.

YouTube Schadenfreude ... RUINED!

There. He did it again. God, as is His wont, has once again ruined for me a perfectly good moment of schadenfreude . I was just minding my own business, watching this most excellent YouTube offering, in which a foul-mouthed fatty "goes off" on some fast-food restaurant workers. And just as I was thinking what a loser this guy was, and how beautifully he had PWNED himself by angrily yelling "a whole ... half hour" God taps me on the shoulder. I hate it when He does that. "Umm ... son?" He didn't even really have to say what came next: You are the man! But, you see, when the Almighty says this to me, it is not like your sports buddies lauding you with "You da man!". It is, rather, a recapitulation of the prophet Nathan's words to King David . You see, while I might not share the YouTube fatty's level of Gluttony, there is another sin I have shared with him: Wrath (a.k.a., Anger). Just last night, I flew into a similar (though, merci

Interview with Figure Competitor Shelly Howard

It was my pleasure recently to interview Shelly Howard, a Figure competitor who I saw compete at the 2009 IFBB North American Championships in Cleveland, Ohio. Hi Shelly. My son and I were at the IFBB North Americans in Cleveland (August 29, 2009) and saw you compete. I thought you looked great! I would have had you 2 nd (after Silvana Salvati) in the Masters Figure class. How many Figure contests have you entered in all? (Also, did you compete in bodybuilding before that?) My first show was the Galaxy (obstacle course/physique show) in 1996 in Venice, California. I had no idea about diet or training back then, just knew I liked competing. There were 200+ girls in that show, and I didn’t even make the top 150! I then pursued my Personal Training degree and did the Galaxy again in 1999, where I placed in the top 15. After that I did 2 bodybuilding shows and placed in the top 5 of each show. Then in 2001 I did a Fitness Show and was hooked on the Figure look, which too

2nd Annual Hot Rod Anglican CafePress Awards

Is it October again already? It seems like just yesterday that I announced the 1st Annual Hot Rod Anglican CafePress Awards ! To review the rules: I go to , type the word "Anglican" into the Search field, and click "Go!" ... then I report back on what I find. Here are the winners of the 2009 competition. The Church and State Award goes to this fine trio of entries: For Best Imaginary Super-Power , our winner is: The Truth-in-Advertising award goes to: In the Worst Visual Mixed Metaphor category, the clear winner was: The Famous Anglican Name-Dropper award goes to: For Slogan Least Likely to Actually Be Ordered On a Feed Cap : The Unintentional Proclamation of Truth award went (unanimously!) to this design, proudly proclaiming the entire absence of the gifts of the Holy Spirit from The Episcopal church: The Best Use of Redundant Redundancy award was very close, but the winner is: In the T-Shirt I Would Actually Wear division, this