Is it October again already? It seems like just yesterday that I announced the 1st Annual Hot Rod Anglican CafePress Awards !
The Church and State Award goes to this fine trio of entries:

The Best Use of Redundant Redundancy award was very close, but the winner is:

To review the rules: I go to , type the word "Anglican" into the Search field, and click "Go!" ... then I report back on what I find.
Here are the winners of the 2009 competition.
Here are the winners of the 2009 competition.
The Church and State Award goes to this fine trio of entries:

For Best Imaginary Super-Power, our winner is:

For Slogan Least Likely to Actually Be Ordered On a Feed Cap:

The Unintentional Proclamation of Truth award went (unanimously!) to this design, proudly proclaiming the entire absence of the gifts of the Holy Spirit from The Episcopal church:

The Best Use of Redundant Redundancy award was very close, but the winner is:

In the T-Shirt I Would Actually Wear division, this entry emerged victorious:

In the Best Gift for your Bishop category, this winner is a must-buy item!

In the Best Gift for your Bishop category, this winner is a must-buy item!

In the Best Use of Soviet Style Art, this won by a kilometer!

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