Good and holy St Eligius, patron saint of metal workers, please pray that through my God given talents I may bring joy to others. Amen.

St. Eligius of Noyon, Bishop is the patron saint of metal workers, carriage makers, and mechanical engineers. So, it only makes sense that, in my car hobby, I begin the day's work with a quick plea to St. Eligius, beseeching his intercession for the work to come. I find it more pleasant and expeditious to invoke the name of a saint beforehand than to find myself reeling off various misappropriated theological terms at some later stage of the project, when things have momentarily gone wrong.
But chiefly do I find it convenient so to do when I fire up this rascal:

St. Eligius of Noyon, Bishop is the patron saint of metal workers, carriage makers, and mechanical engineers. So, it only makes sense that, in my car hobby, I begin the day's work with a quick plea to St. Eligius, beseeching his intercession for the work to come. I find it more pleasant and expeditious to invoke the name of a saint beforehand than to find myself reeling off various misappropriated theological terms at some later stage of the project, when things have momentarily gone wrong.
But chiefly do I find it convenient so to do when I fire up this rascal:

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