I am pleased to be able to present this interview with bodybuilder Lisa Boushard.
Hi Lisa! Can you give us some background on yourself?
Hi Paul, I started competing in 2001 and got my national qualifier in 2005. I recently placed 2nd at the Masters 2009 and then 4th at the USA's 2009. I am a Light Heavyweight, and plan on doing the North Americans and Nationals next year. I had hernia repair surgery October 5th which has to be in recovery until the end of December before I can hit the gym again, but can do cardio right now. I am 43 years old and live in St. Louis, Missouri. I work at the Powerhouse Gym of St. Louis as a operations manager and have a website: www.lisaboushard.net. I am married, with 3 cats. I work with Dave Palumbo for show prep and am a sponsored athlete and featured on his website.
What was it that first attracted you to bodybuilding?
The thing that attracted me to bodybuilding is the amazing physique you can transform with hard work and dedication to the sport. I also like the way it builds one's self esteem and confidence.
You’ve been doing this for a little while now. How have you seen bodybuilding change over the years you’ve been involved with it?
I feel that when I first started competing in 2001 the look was: the bigger and harder you were the better. Now it has changed to be more soft but yet conditioned, and they want a fbb to have a more complete package with pretty hair and make up to make the presentation the best one she can offer.
What sort of work do you do as Operations Manager for Powerhouse? Are you actually in the gym, or doing planning sorts of tasks from an office?
I do everything at the gym. I train people, enter all new members, changes to their accounts and settle all payments due. Daily transactions with balancing the payments and sales for the workout day. I also enter all the products we carry in the pro shop. We all go the extra mile to make everyone's experience at our gym a good one.
Do you have any particular training philosphy that you follow?
I have been following the DC style training for sometime now. This is a high intensity low-rep style of training that is a rest pause program with a 2 day split. I love this type of workout because you are in a contest with yourself. I keep a journal and with each training session I have to either beat my weight or reps I did in the prior workout. This drives me to do better each time.
What would you say is the high point of your bodybuilding career so far?
Well, I have a few but I guess the best one so far would be winning 2nd place at the Masters Nationals this year. Then placing 4th at the USA's with 16 in my class. Some of the other competitors were half my age. This gives me great pride and drive to get better and better.
The other point was in 2005 when I won the “Most Conditioned Award” given by 4 time Ms. Olympia Kim Chizevsky at the Missouri State Bodybuilding show where I also won the Masters and the Overall award.
What is your favorite bodypart to train? Your strongest bodypart?
My favorite bodypart to train would be my back. I feel that this is my best asset to my physique. I would say it is a toss up on the strongest between my back and legs. I have surprised myself with what I have been able to do in the gym.

What kinds of feedback and reactions do you get from friends and colleagues, regarding your bodybuilding?
I get really good feedback from friends and colleagues the same. I feel that during contest prep and during the time that I get really lean for the show I tend to get a lot more stares from people, and that is simply because the average person does not walk around that lean and they haven't seen a female bodybuilder in person. Guys are usually “thumbs up and think it is great”. Women sometimes snarl at me, simply cause they are jealous. It all comes with the territory. You have to hold your head up high and know you look your best and you are very proud of your accomplishments. No one else matters really.
Do you try to stay close to contest weight in the off-season, or allow yourself to "bulk up"?
I am always trying to build my body for the next year's competitions. In my off season I try to stay within 25 pounds of my show weight. I do allow myself a bulk up time to build more muscle in the areas that need improvement.
Do you have a favorite muscle-building food or supplement that you can tell us about?
I usually eat the basics in the muscle-building food area. Mostly lean proteins, essential fats and carbs are a minimum for the workout fuel and recovery. I use all of the supplements that are made from Species Nutrition and Dave Palumbo. I use protein powder, joint formulas, omega fish oils, Juice Plus and Vitamin E to complete my nutritional formulas daily.
What advice would you give to a woman who is just now thinking of beginning to compete in bodybuilding?
I would say to stay true to yourself and create a work of art with your body that you love!! Not to do anything they will not be proud of or regret. Bodybuilding is so unique and the physique can be so beautiful if created properly. Find someone to help you with your contest prep that has experience working with female bodybuilders and that will listen to your goals and concerns in every aspect of the sport. I feel that this sport takes a special type of person with a lot of drive and dedication to become the best they can be.
Thanks, Lisa. We wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery, and a great year competing in 2010!
Hi Lisa! Can you give us some background on yourself?
Hi Paul, I started competing in 2001 and got my national qualifier in 2005. I recently placed 2nd at the Masters 2009 and then 4th at the USA's 2009. I am a Light Heavyweight, and plan on doing the North Americans and Nationals next year. I had hernia repair surgery October 5th which has to be in recovery until the end of December before I can hit the gym again, but can do cardio right now. I am 43 years old and live in St. Louis, Missouri. I work at the Powerhouse Gym of St. Louis as a operations manager and have a website: www.lisaboushard.net. I am married, with 3 cats. I work with Dave Palumbo for show prep and am a sponsored athlete and featured on his website.
What was it that first attracted you to bodybuilding?
The thing that attracted me to bodybuilding is the amazing physique you can transform with hard work and dedication to the sport. I also like the way it builds one's self esteem and confidence.
You’ve been doing this for a little while now. How have you seen bodybuilding change over the years you’ve been involved with it?
I feel that when I first started competing in 2001 the look was: the bigger and harder you were the better. Now it has changed to be more soft but yet conditioned, and they want a fbb to have a more complete package with pretty hair and make up to make the presentation the best one she can offer.
What sort of work do you do as Operations Manager for Powerhouse? Are you actually in the gym, or doing planning sorts of tasks from an office?
I do everything at the gym. I train people, enter all new members, changes to their accounts and settle all payments due. Daily transactions with balancing the payments and sales for the workout day. I also enter all the products we carry in the pro shop. We all go the extra mile to make everyone's experience at our gym a good one.
Do you have any particular training philosphy that you follow?
I have been following the DC style training for sometime now. This is a high intensity low-rep style of training that is a rest pause program with a 2 day split. I love this type of workout because you are in a contest with yourself. I keep a journal and with each training session I have to either beat my weight or reps I did in the prior workout. This drives me to do better each time.
What would you say is the high point of your bodybuilding career so far?
Well, I have a few but I guess the best one so far would be winning 2nd place at the Masters Nationals this year. Then placing 4th at the USA's with 16 in my class. Some of the other competitors were half my age. This gives me great pride and drive to get better and better.
The other point was in 2005 when I won the “Most Conditioned Award” given by 4 time Ms. Olympia Kim Chizevsky at the Missouri State Bodybuilding show where I also won the Masters and the Overall award.
What is your favorite bodypart to train? Your strongest bodypart?
My favorite bodypart to train would be my back. I feel that this is my best asset to my physique. I would say it is a toss up on the strongest between my back and legs. I have surprised myself with what I have been able to do in the gym.

What kinds of feedback and reactions do you get from friends and colleagues, regarding your bodybuilding?
I get really good feedback from friends and colleagues the same. I feel that during contest prep and during the time that I get really lean for the show I tend to get a lot more stares from people, and that is simply because the average person does not walk around that lean and they haven't seen a female bodybuilder in person. Guys are usually “thumbs up and think it is great”. Women sometimes snarl at me, simply cause they are jealous. It all comes with the territory. You have to hold your head up high and know you look your best and you are very proud of your accomplishments. No one else matters really.
Do you try to stay close to contest weight in the off-season, or allow yourself to "bulk up"?
I am always trying to build my body for the next year's competitions. In my off season I try to stay within 25 pounds of my show weight. I do allow myself a bulk up time to build more muscle in the areas that need improvement.
Do you have a favorite muscle-building food or supplement that you can tell us about?
I usually eat the basics in the muscle-building food area. Mostly lean proteins, essential fats and carbs are a minimum for the workout fuel and recovery. I use all of the supplements that are made from Species Nutrition and Dave Palumbo. I use protein powder, joint formulas, omega fish oils, Juice Plus and Vitamin E to complete my nutritional formulas daily.
What advice would you give to a woman who is just now thinking of beginning to compete in bodybuilding?
I would say to stay true to yourself and create a work of art with your body that you love!! Not to do anything they will not be proud of or regret. Bodybuilding is so unique and the physique can be so beautiful if created properly. Find someone to help you with your contest prep that has experience working with female bodybuilders and that will listen to your goals and concerns in every aspect of the sport. I feel that this sport takes a special type of person with a lot of drive and dedication to become the best they can be.
Thanks, Lisa. We wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery, and a great year competing in 2010!
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