Now I can officially say we will be back with our normal posting schedule. In other words, we will make a post practically every day.
Anyway, I had a great idea for a post today. Blue Bear bought me a Mini Winnie — you know, one of those baby Poohs in costumes on a string (a cell phone charm) — and he was dressed as a seal! I always found seals to be absolutely adorable so I figured, why not post a picture of one?
I love how baby seals are often covered with a white fur making them look more like bears than seals! Aren’t they absolutely fluffy and adorable? They look so soft and warm. What cuties. I’m sorry the picture I’m posting is so small, but the seal was too cute and I couldn’t resist posting him. I hope you like him too.Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Seals
Cute Baby Penguins
"Thank God for the YMCA and the Internet!"
All the women in Hilltopia nod (or at least as far as PP can tell in the dark) as if this proclamation makes perfect sense. And maybe it does. PP can see why one would thank God (if one were so inclined) for the YMCA. She is thankful (though not necessarily to a Higher Power) every time she comes to the Y. Well, except for the times when the pool is closed. Or crowded. Or cold.
But this is beside the point. She is thankful for the Y.
But the Internet? Maybe. Maybe not. She thinks that the Internet is a huge ‘time suck’ as one of her students is fond of saying. In point of fact, PP has just spent the last 55 minutes looking for pictures of ‘cute….animals'or 'beautiful beaches',or 'baby cows' (you get the idea) on Google images so she can change her desktop image.
Almost an entire hour! Wasted! (Well, she did finally find a super cute pic of a gang of baby penguins. Here it is for your gushing approval.)
So the Internet is a time suck. And it’s also so goddamn frustrating. For example, this morning she was trying to find out what ‘points’ means when buying a piece of property, but an ad for ‘If you haven’t had a ticket in 3 years, you’re paying too much for car insurance’ kept popping up and blocking her purpose.
She gave up. It seemed that points and car insurance had her beat.
The Internet. She is not thankful for it most of the time. Unless it’s for email to her friends and family. Or Facebook silliness.
Yet even if she were thankful for the Internet and the YMCA, PP wonders why the two are thrown together with such cavalier abandon here in Hilltopia?
It’s a mystery. The women just say things. Non sequiturs fly willy nilly through the steamy air. Immediately after the declaration of being thankful for the Y and the Internet, another woman proclaims how “For Africa Women, not having child. It is death.”
Okay, well, for PP having a child woulda been death.
But she didn’t offer this as a follow-up conversation piece. Just like she couldn’t really comment too much on Sweet Roly-Poly’s long harangue about losing 10 lbs in one month other than to say that sounded like a lot and then nodding when Death For Africa Woman said that it was ‘The Nature’ for men to lose more weight without even working out or dieting.
PP does like this use of the definite article. The Nature. It’s so very apt in this context. Don’t you agree?
So…..back to being thankful. PP is. Not in general mind you, but in specific. Like at the moment when she’s in Hilltopia after a long hard trying swim, exhausted and heaterized letting the non sequiturs and laughter wash over her.
It’s so much better than the Internet. Or children. Or diets. Something PP doesn't have to worry about; which to judge with how much time/energy/emotion most middle-aged women spend on dieting, is something to be very very very Thankful for!Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Baby Penguins
Cute Penguin
So if you read my last post, you would know that I like bears. I think they’re pretty awesome. I also like owls. Bears are cool because they are so vicious and say, “Rawr!” all the time…. But they’re so fluffy and soft! How would I know? I pet one. Just kidding, I wish. But I can tell. If I ever encounter a bear, I won’t play dead or run, I’ll go and pet it. I like to pet animals. Ha that sounds weird… When I went to Sarasota we went to a Botanical Gardens and there was this zen-like area with this cute old couple sitting on a bench. There were huge koi fish in a pond, with about five ducks harmoniously swimming with the fish. I got really close to a fish and almost touched it but then it swam away when i was inches away from it’s scaly flesh. Next, were the ducks. There was one on the concrete about a foot away from my feet. I tried to touch it but it flew away :(Cute Penguin
Cute Penguin
Cute Penguin
Cute Penguin In Dance Style
Cute Penguin in happy style
Cute Penguin Couple
Cute Penguin With child
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Penguin
Funny Pelican Photos
Bunk is rather mysterious fellow. In fact, I know almost nothing about him other than his interest in this site, 80’s movies, and silly jokes. But lately he started sending us quite a few pictures and links, so I decided to officially ask him to join the team.
If you’re interested in joining Ben, Bunk, and myself, just let me know. Contributors get a link back to their site from every post (Bunk and Ben don’t have websites, which is why their posts link to an author page). I’d even pay you (or a charity) for any posts that become extremely popular. If you’re interested, Contact Me for more information.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering what Bunk looks like, he’s the one in the middle:Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Pelican Photos
Funny Panda Bears
Yeah I'm back~! Fuck that emo-ness last night. I was trying to write something interesting but it was such a bitter pill to swallow and I rolled on my bed for almost an hour before falling asleep (normally we need only 7 minutes to fall asleep).
Okay... a fren encouraged me to fix my attitude, i.e. to exclude the cursing element from my entries~ alrite I'll try, but no guarantee.Funny Panda Bears
Funny Panda Bears
Funny Panda
Funny Panda Bears
Funny Panda Bears
Funny Panda Bears
Funny Panda Bears
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